Recent Psychological ED Academic Research
"Substantial evidence for a positive causal association between computer use and the risk of erectile dysfunction"
- A Mendelian randomization study on causal effects of leisure sedentary behavior on the risk of erectile dysfunction, Huangfu, Gan, Yang, Pang, Zhu, Zhang, Wang 4/2024
"Men who experience more difficulty with ED desire more power in their romantic relationships"
- Erectile dysfunction, suspicious jealousy, and the desire for power in heterosexual romantic couples, Vance, Zeigler-Hill, Meehan, Young, Shackelford 4/2024
"Erectile dysfunction was common in individuals having alcohol dependence syndrome"
- Study of Association of Erectile Dysfunction in male subjects with the severity of Alcohol Dependence, Mehta, Priyank Singh; Patra, Priyadarshee; Tapasi, Santosh 1/2024
"Yoga is a viable, safe, and cost-effective comprehensive treatment plan for managing ED"
- A Scoping Review: Is Yoga an Effective Intervention for Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation?, Bhat, Pandev, Gokani, Rao 1/2024
"Individuals with insomnia and sensitivity to environmental stress and adversity are at higher risk for developing ED"
- Causal relationship between worry, tension, insomnia, sensitivity to environmental stress and adversity, and erectile dysfunction: a study using Mendelian randomization, Zhang, Wang, Ma, Zhang, Wang, Yang 12/2023
"The most significant observation of this study was the specific causative effect of pornography use frequency on erectile dysfunction severity..."
- Effect of internet pornography use frequency on psychogenic erectile dysfunction severity in young Turkish men: the mediating role of dyadic adjustment, Kizilkurt, Kazan, Efiloglu, Erol, Yildirim 12/2023
"Online CBT clearly improved the emotional state and self-esteem of patients with ED"
- Efficacy of online cognitive behavioral therapy for nonorganic erectile dysfunction in reproductive-age males during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomized wait list–controlled trial, Han, wang, Yang, Wang, Zhu, Song 9/2023
"Precarious manhood beliefs are significantly associated with ED"
- Precarious Manhood Beliefs Are Positively Associated with Erectile Dysfunction in Cisgender Men, Walther, Rice, Eggenberger 6/2023
"The COVID pandemic has caused an adverse psychosexual impact on many patients’ erectile function and mental well-being"
- Longitudinal Observation on the Prevalence and Impact of Psychological Distress Among Patients Treated for Erectile Dysfunction During the COVID Pandemic, Chung, Wang 5/2023
"Addressing anxiety and erectile dysfunctions from an analytic existential perspective has shown to yield successful results"
- The role of analytic existential psychotherapeutic intervention in resolving erectile dysfunction problems, Popescu 2/2023
"Men with moderate and severe ED younger than 40 years have higher psychological inflexibility"
- Differences in Psychological Inflexibility Among Men With Erectile Dysfunction Younger and Older Than 40 Years: Web-Based Cross-Sectional Study, Saito, Kumano, Ghazizadeh, Shimokawa, Tanemura 1/2023
"Social support appears to be associated with a reduced risk of ED in middle-aged and older men"
- The relationship between social support and erectile dysfunction in middle-aged and older males, Hu, Zhang, Zhang, Liu, Han 5/2021